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Displaying 1 - 25 of 25

Summary Report - National engagement on New Zealand's first Child Youth and Wellbeing Strategy - HTML version

Issue date: 
Thu 28 Mar 2019

This report has been prepared by the Child Wellbeing Unit, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. The Child Wellbeing Unit was established to support the Prime Minister, in her role as the Minister for Child Poverty Reduction, and the Minister for Children in the development of New Zealand's first Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy.

Summary Report - National engagement on New Zealand's first Child Youth and Wellbeing Strategy

Issue date: 
Thu 28 Mar 2019

This report has been prepared by the Child Wellbeing Unit, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. The Child Wellbeing Unit was established to support the Prime Minister, in her role as the Minister for Child Poverty Reduction, and the Minister for Children in the development of New Zealand's first Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy.

Redcliffs School and Redcliffs Park relocation: Section 71 Proposal

Issue date: 
Thu 8 Mar 2018

For more about this proposal and how to give your feedback on it, see the page below:

Redcliffs School and Redcliffs Park relocation

Panel report to the Deputy Prime Minister: May 2016

Issue date: 
Wed 4 May 2016

Panel Meeting Papers: 31 March 2016

Issue date: 
Thu 31 Mar 2016

Panel Meeting Papers: 15 December 2015

Issue date: 
Tue 15 Dec 2015

Panel Meeting Paper: 20 November 2015

Issue date: 
Fri 20 Nov 2015

Panel Meeting Papers: 18 August 2015

Issue date: 
Tue 18 Aug 2015

Panel Meeting Papers: 11 August 2015

Issue date: 
Tue 11 Aug 2015

Panel report to the Deputy Prime Minister: August 2015

Issue date: 
Fri 7 Aug 2015

Panel Meeting Papers: 30 July 2015

Issue date: 
Thu 30 Jul 2015

Panel Meeting Paper: 23 July 2015

Issue date: 
Thu 23 Jul 2015

Panel report to the Deputy Prime Minister: June 2015

Issue date: 
Thu 18 Jun 2015

Panel Meeting Papers: 17 June 2015

Issue date: 
Wed 17 Jun 2015

Panel Meeting Papers: 5 May 2015

Issue date: 
Fri 15 May 2015

Panel Meeting Papers: 29 April 2015

Issue date: 
Wed 29 Apr 2015

Panel Meeting Papers: 15 April 2015

Issue date: 
Wed 15 Apr 2015

Panel report to the Deputy Prime Minister: April 2015

Issue date: 
Tue 7 Apr 2015

Panel Meeting Papers: 26 March 2015

Issue date: 
Thu 26 Mar 2015

Panel meeting Papers: 19 March 2015

Issue date: 
Thu 19 Mar 2015

Panel Induction Pack: March 2015

Issue date: 
Tue 3 Mar 2015

Panel Meeting Papers: 3 March 2015

Issue date: 
Tue 3 Mar 2015

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