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Improving Community Engagement

The Government is addressing how it engages with people and communities, so they can have a stronger voice in the design, development and implementation of policies and programmes that affect them. This is a recommendation of the Royal Commission report (Recommendation 38), and a desire we’ve heard from survivors, whānau, witnesses and other communities across the country.

In response to this recommendation the Policy Project within the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet was commissioned to develop a new Policy Community Engagement Tool, drawing on their Community Engagement Guidance and referencing the International Association of Public Participation's resources.

The first edition of the Tool was launched in January 2022 and provides hands-on guidance for policy teams and their agencies on how to conduct inclusive, respectful, and meaningful community engagement. It's being piloted with agencies involved in the Government’s response to the Royal Commission’s Report. Over time the Tool will be updated as agencies apply it to their work and obtain feedback on their policy practice from engagement participants.

Last updated: 
Monday, 12 September 2022

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