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Displaying 1 - 32 of 104

CO (23) 2: Cabinet Committees: Terms of Reference and Membership

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Wed 15 Feb 2023
CO (23) 2: Cabinet Committees: Terms of Reference and Membership

This circular has been updated to reflect the changes to Ministerial portfolios as at 20 March 2023.

CO (23) 2: Cabinet Committees: Terms of Reference and Membership

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Fri 10 Feb 2023

This circular has been updated to reflect the changes to Ministerial portfolios as at 20 March 2023.

CO (23) 1: Government Decisions and Actions in the Pre-election Period

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Fri 27 Jan 2023

CO (23) 1: Government Decisions and Actions in the Pre-election Period

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Fri 27 Jan 2023

Cabinet paper consultation with departments

Issue date: 
Wed 25 Jan 2023

Cabinet paper departmental consultation processes

CO (22) 4: Statutes Amendment Bill for 2023

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Fri 9 Dec 2022

1 This circular sets out the process for developing the Statutes Amendment Bill in 2023.

Process for the Bill

CO (22) 4: Statutes Amendment Bill for 2023

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Fri 9 Dec 2022

1 This circular sets out the process for developing the Statutes Amendment Bill in 2023.

Process for the Bill

CO (22) 3: 2023 Legislation Programme: Requirements for Submitting Bids

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Wed 12 Oct 2022

1This circular sets out the requirements for bids for bills to be awarded places on the 2023 Legislation Programme.

CO (22) 3: 2023 Legislation Programme: Requirements for Submitting Bids

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Wed 12 Oct 2022

1This circular sets out the requirements for bids for bills to be awarded places on the 2023 Legislation Programme.

CO (22) 2 - Revised Fees Framework for members appointed to bodies in which the Crown has an interest

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Thu 6 Oct 2022
Revised Fees Framework for members appointed to bodies in which the Crown has an interest

Guidance for planning and implementing complex programmes

Issue date: 
Fri 30 Sep 2022

The Implementation Unit supports the public service to strengthen implementation of Government’s key priorities. This guidance is to assist those responsible for implementing complex programmes, and draws on agencies’ experience and expertise.

CO (22) 1: Death of The Queen: Information

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Mon 12 Sep 2022

CO (22) 1: Death of The Queen: Information

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Mon 12 Sep 2022

Information for Ministers' offices about Cabinet and committee meetings

Issue date: 
Thu 1 Sep 2022

Information for Ministers' offices

CO (21) 2: Legislation Guidelines: Cabinet Requirements and Expectations

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Tue 30 Nov 2021

Terrorist and National Security Event Media Protocols

Issue date: 
Fri 9 Jul 2021

The Terrorist and National Security Event Media Protocols are designed to assist during terrorist or national security events within New Zealand, or in a significant terrorist event overseas involving New Zealanders.

Cabinet paper attachments

Issue date: 
Thu 29 Apr 2021

Cabinet paper attachments are usually one of the following:

Long-term Insights Briefings – High-level overview

Issue date: 
Fri 9 Apr 2021

This is one of a suite of Long-term Insights Briefings guidance resources.

Long-term Insights Briefings – High-level development process

Issue date: 
Fri 9 Apr 2021

This is one of a suite of guidance resource on Long-term Insights Briefings (Briefings).

Long-term Insights Briefings – Checklist

Issue date: 
Fri 9 Apr 2021

This is one of a suite of guidance resource on Long-term Insights Briefings (Briefings).

Long-term Insights Briefings – Detailed steps of the development process

Issue date: 
Fri 9 Apr 2021

This is one of a suite of guidance resource on Long-term Insights Briefings (Briefings).

CO (20) 7: Arrangements for transition to a new administration

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Tue 3 Nov 2020

Selecting Methods for Community Engagement

Issue date: 
Fri 30 Oct 2020

Resources to help policy advisors choose the right engagement methods to support good engagement planning.

Guide to Inclusive Community Engagement

Issue date: 
Fri 30 Oct 2020

A guide for government agencies and policy advisors on inclusive community engagement in policy making.

Good Practice Guide for Community Engagement

Issue date: 
Fri 30 Oct 2020

A guide for policy advisors on good community engagement practice, including at each level of the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation.

Principles and Values for Community Engagement

Issue date: 
Fri 30 Oct 2020

A guide for government agencies and policy advisors on principles and values for good community engagement in policy making.

Getting Ready for Community Engagement

Issue date: 
Fri 30 Oct 2020

A guide for government agencies on building capability and readiness for community engagement.

Community Engagement Design Tool

Issue date: 
Fri 30 Oct 2020

A tool to help policy advisors identify the level on the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation most appropriate for a specific policy project.

CO (20) 6: Government Decision Making during the Period of Caretaker Government

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Mon 19 Oct 2020

CO (20) 5: Constitutional Procedures after the Election (2020)

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Mon 31 Aug 2020

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