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Displaying 353 - 384 of 995

Cabinet Decision: CBC-20-MIN-0033-01 Oral Item: Update on North Island Drought

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Mon 21 Sep 2020

The following Cabinet material has been proactively released by the National Emergency Management Agency, and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, on behalf of Hon Peeni Henare, Minister of Civil Defence:

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2019/20-0582: Request relating to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime

Information release
Issue date: 
Wed 16 Sep 2020
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 17 June 2019

"Official Information Act request for information relating to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime"

Public Notice: Film studios Proposal – PROPOSAL APPROVED

News and notices
Issue date: 
Wed 16 Sep 2020

Date published: 16 September 2020, The Press

Public notice:


Implementing the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy – briefing and monitoring report for July 2019-June 2020

Information release
Issue date: 
Thu 10 Sep 2020

On 10 September 2020, the following briefing and report has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, on behalf of Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, Minister for Child Poverty Reduction: 

DPMC 2020/21 Gender Pay Agency Action Plan

Information release
Issue date: 
Mon 7 Sep 2020
DPMC 2020/21 Gender Pay Agency Action Plan

DPMC 2020/21 Gender Pay Agency Action Plan

Issue date: 
Mon 7 Sep 2020

Integrating diversity and inclusion is a key ingredient for our organisational success - it helps DPMC and NEMA improve our services to the Government and people of New Zealand, and to attract and retain talented employees. Attached is our Gender p

Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Order 2020 Proactive Release

Information release
Issue date: 
Mon 7 Sep 2020

The following Cabinet material relating to the Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Order 2020 has been proactively released by the Depar

CO (20) 5: Constitutional Procedures after the Election (2020)

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Mon 31 Aug 2020

CO (20) 5: Constitutional Procedures after the Election (2020)

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Mon 31 Aug 2020

CO (20) 4: Management of Parliamentary Business after the Dissolution of Parliament

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Fri 7 Aug 2020
Key Points

1This circular provides guidance on the management of parliamentary business after Parliament has been dissolved. The key points are as follows:

CO (20) 4: Management of Parliamentary Business after the Dissolution of Parliament

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Fri 7 Aug 2020
Key Points

1This circular provides guidance on the management of parliamentary business after Parliament has been dissolved. The key points are as follows:

Cabinet Decision LEG-20-SUB-0004: Greater Christchurch Regeneration Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction (February 2020)

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Mon 3 Aug 2020

Extract from Cabinet Decision LEG-20-MIN-0004: Greater Christchurch Regeneration Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction (February 2020).


Chief Executive expenses disclosures

Information release
Issue date: 
Fri 31 Jul 2020

Disclosure of the Chief Executive of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet's expenses including gifts, hospitality and travel.

State of National Emergency and National Transition Period for COVID-19

Information release
Issue date: 
Fri 31 Jul 2020

The following briefings have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency, on behalf of Hon Peeni Henare, Minister of Civil Defence.

DPMC Strategic Intentions 2020/21 to 2023/24

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Thu 30 Jul 2020
Chief Executive's statement of responsibility

In signing this information, I acknowledge that I am responsible for the information on strategic intentions for the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

DPMC Strategic Intentions 2020/21 to 2023/24

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Thu 30 Jul 2020

Our Strategic Intentions provide an overview of DPMC, setting out how we will deliver on our purpose and support the Government to deliver its priorities.

Impact analysis

Issue date: 
Mon 27 Jul 2020

Information on impact analysis for proposals with regulatory impacts.

Attending Cabinet committee meetings

Issue date: 
Thu 9 Jul 2020

Information for officials who are attending Cabinet committee meetings

CO (20) 3: Climate Implications of Policy Assessment Requirements

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Wed 8 Jul 2020
Key points

CO (20) 3: Climate Implications of Policy Assessment Requirements

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Wed 8 Jul 2020
Key Points

Public Notice: Film studios Proposal

News and notices
Issue date: 
Tue 7 Jul 2020

Date to be published: 8 July 2020, The Press

Public Notice:

Global Settlement Agreement with Christchurch City Council - Key Advice - Proactive Release

Information release
Issue date: 
Thu 2 Jul 2020

Following the signing of the Global Settlement Agreement between Crown and Christchurch City Council in September 2019, and the proactive release in

Child Poverty Related Indicators Report 2020

Issue date: 
Thu 2 Jul 2020
Reporting on the child poverty related indicators

New Zealand should be a place where all children and young people are loved, confident, happy and healthy, and are empowered to reach their full potential.

Child Poverty Related Indicators Report - Chart Descriptions

Issue date: 
Thu 2 Jul 2020

Below are text descriptions highlighting selected data points for charts in the Child Poverty Indicators Report.

Child Poverty Related Indicators Report

Issue date: 
Thu 2 Jul 2020

CO (20) 2: Impact Analysis Requirements

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Tue 30 Jun 2020

1This circular sets out the requirements for Ministers and agencies seeking approvals relating to government regulatory proposals.

CO (20) 2: Impact Analysis Requirements

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Tue 30 Jun 2020

1This circular sets out the requirements for Ministers and agencies seeking approvals relating to government regulatory proposals.

Cabinet Decision CAB-20-SUB-0162: Report on Overseas Travel: Prime Minister (February 2020)

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Thu 18 Jun 2020

This Cabinet paper and related Cabinet minute have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, on behalf of Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister.

Queen's Birthday Honours List 2020

Honours list
Issue date: 
Mon 1 Jun 2020
The New Zealand Order of Merit

The Queen has been pleased, on the occasion of the celebration of Her Majesty's Birthday, to make the following appointments to The New Zealand Order of Merit:

Public Notice: Christ Church Cathedral OiC Proposal

News and notices
Issue date: 
Fri 29 May 2020

Date published: 30 May 2020, The Press



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