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Displaying 513 - 544 of 995

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0470: Request relating to grievance compensation

Information release
Issue date: 
Fri 31 May 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 6 Mar 2019

"Official Information Act request relating to grievance compensation for the last five financial years. "

Information being released

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0471: Request relating to grievance and complaints

Information release
Issue date: 
Fri 31 May 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 6 Mar 2019

"Official Information Act request relating to grievances and complaints for the peroid of 2014 to 2018."

Information being released

Foresight for Governance in Singapore

Issue date: 
Tue 28 May 2019

Click here to view the video where Aaron Maniam talks about: Lessons on the Long View: Singapore’s experiences with Foresight.

Cabinet Decision CAB-19-SUB-0119: Proposed Overseas Travel: Prime Minister (March 2019)

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Wed 8 May 2019

This Cabinet paper and related Cabinet minute have been proactively released by
the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, on behalf of Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern,
Prime Minister.

Behavioural Insights Community of Practice: The establishment of behavioural insights units in three Australian governments – April 2019

Issue date: 
Thu 2 May 2019

Public policy is fundamentally about managing or resolving collective problems.

There is widespread interest in devising better processes and instruments for problem-solving.

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0402: Request for DPMC's advertising costs for past five financial years

Information release
Issue date: 
Fri 26 Apr 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 30 Jan 2019

"Official Information Act request for the amount spent by DPMC on advertising for the past five financial years."

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0425: Request relating to non-disclosure agreements signed in 2018

Information release
Issue date: 
Fri 26 Apr 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 13 Feb 2019

"Official Information Act request relating to the number of non-disclosure agreements that DPMC has required people (including staff) to sign in 2018."

Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet Transparency Statement

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Tue 23 Apr 2019

CO (19) 2: Attorney-General's Protocol for Release of Draft Government Legislation outside the Crown

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Tue 16 Apr 2019

This circular contains the revised Attorney-General's Protocol for Release of Draft Government Legislation outside the Crown and replaces CO(14) 4

CO (19) 3: Better Co-ordination of Contemporary Treaty of Waitangi Issues

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Tue 2 Apr 2019

This circular sets out guidelines and requirements agreed by Cabinet for Ministers and departments involved in contemporary Treaty of Waitangi issues.

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0306: Request for information relating to amount spent on Koha/donations by DPMC for 2017/18 financial year

Information release
Issue date: 
Mon 1 Apr 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 23 Nov 2018

"Request for the amount spent by DPMC on Koha/donations in 2017/18 financial year."

Information being released

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0286: Request for information relating to Koru Club memberships held by DPMC for 2017/18 financial year

Information release
Issue date: 
Mon 1 Apr 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 20 Nov 2018

"Request for the amount spent by DPMC on Koru Club memberships in 2017/18 financial year, and information relating to these memberships."

Information being released

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0412: Request for information relating to payments made by DPMC to InternetNZ in the past 10 years

Information release
Issue date: 
Mon 1 Apr 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 7 Feb 2019

"Request for the amount that DPMC has given to InternetNZ in the past 10 years."

Information being released

DPMC did not give any money to InternetNZ.

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0401: The total travel costs for DPMC officials who accompanied the Prime Minister's visit to Europe

Information release
Issue date: 
Mon 1 Apr 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 30 Jan 2019

"Part of request for travel and accommodation costs incurred for DPMC official to accompany the Prime Minister on her recent visit to Europe."

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0324: Request for the Engagment Plans for the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy

Information release
Issue date: 
Mon 1 Apr 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 19 Dec 2018

"Request for copies of the Engagement Plans for the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy."

Information being released


Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0397: Request for information relating to South Frame developed design material

Information release
Issue date: 
Mon 1 Apr 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 23 Jan 2018

"This request sought a specific document referenced in an Aide Memoire released to the requestor under a previous request."

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0373: Request for information relating to DPMC's diversity, cohesion and integration definitions and intentions

Information release
Issue date: 
Mon 1 Apr 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 3 Jan 2018

"Official Information Act request relating to DPMC's diversity, cohesion and integration definitions and intentions."

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0380: Request for a list a draft media statements for the Prime Minister to use in significant events or situations

Information release
Issue date: 
Mon 1 Apr 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 14 Jan 2018

"Official Information Act request for a list of draft media statements for the Prime Minister to use in significant events or situations including death of Queen."

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0403: Request for the costs of the Labour Caucus 2019 planning retreat in Martinborough and other matters

Information release
Issue date: 
Mon 1 Apr 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 30 Jan 2019

Summary Report - National engagement on New Zealand's first Child Youth and Wellbeing Strategy - HTML version

Issue date: 
Thu 28 Mar 2019

This report has been prepared by the Child Wellbeing Unit, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. The Child Wellbeing Unit was established to support the Prime Minister, in her role as the Minister for Child Poverty Reduction, and the Minister for Children in the development of New Zealand's first Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy.

Summary Report - National engagement on New Zealand's first Child Youth and Wellbeing Strategy

Issue date: 
Thu 28 Mar 2019

This report has been prepared by the Child Wellbeing Unit, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. The Child Wellbeing Unit was established to support the Prime Minister, in her role as the Minister for Child Poverty Reduction, and the Minister for Children in the development of New Zealand's first Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy.

Proactive release: National Disaster Resilience Strategy Cabinet Paper

Information release
Issue date: 
Tue 26 Mar 2019

Proactive release: National Disaster Resilience Strategy Cabinet Paper. Approval and presentation to the House.

Special Honours List 4 March 2019

Honours list
Issue date: 
Mon 4 Mar 2019

Special Honours List 4 March 2019


The Queen has been pleased to make the following appointment to The New Zealand Order of Merit:


Proactive release: Report on overseas travel

Information release
Issue date: 
Wed 27 Feb 2019

Report on overseas travel: Hon Kris Faafoi

Safeswim Signs

Issue date: 
Tue 26 Feb 2019

Increasing Voter Turnout

Issue date: 
Tue 26 Feb 2019

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0290: Personal Grievance Payments 2017/18 Financial Year

Information release
Issue date: 
Fri 22 Feb 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 20 Nov 2018

"Request for total costs incurred by DPMC in relation to any personal grievance claim by an employee, contractor, or any other party for the 2017/18 financial year."

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0203: Processes completed prior to awarding the East Frame Residential development contract

Information release
Issue date: 
Fri 22 Feb 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 17 Oct 2018

Response to Official Information Act Request OIA-2018/19-0169: Request for documents held in relation to Emergency Management (ACE) Governance Group meeting of 18 Sept 2018

Information release
Issue date: 
Fri 22 Feb 2019
Official Information Act 1982 request received on 30 Oct 2018

"Request for all notes taken at, and documents (including emails) held by MCDEM in relation to (and arising from the EM ACE governace group meeting held in September 2018."

Innovation Seminar: Brenton Caffin – 11 February 2019

Issue date: 
Wed 13 Feb 2019

What is your experience with innovation? What questions or need do you have? Download Brenton Caffin’s presentation to read how can governments better enable innovation to fuel growth and societal wellbeing.

How to upload and lodge papers in CabNet

Issue date: 
Tue 5 Feb 2019

Practical information about how to upload papers into CabNet

CabNet: Uploading Cabinet papers

Issue date: 
Tue 5 Feb 2019

All Cabinet and Cabinet committee papers with a security classification of In Confidence, Sensitive or Restricted must be lodged in CabNet, once the owning Minister has given their approval.

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