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Displaying 673 - 704 of 995

About the Seal of New Zealand

Issue date: 
Tue 18 Jul 2017

The Seal of New Zealand

Ministers' office checklist for lodging non-CabNet papers

Issue date: 
Tue 18 Jul 2017

Checklist for Ministers’ offices for non-CabNet papers

Developing and making regulations

Issue date: 
Tue 18 Jul 2017

The process for developing and making regulations

Official Government response process

Issue date: 
Tue 18 Jul 2017

Government response process and related Cabinet and Cabinet committee papers

CabNet: How to upload appointments papers

Issue date: 
Tue 18 Jul 2017

Uploading appointments papers

How to submit regulations to the Executive Council

Issue date: 
Tue 18 Jul 2017

Papers seeking authorisation to submit regulations to the Executive Council

CabNet: How to upload Ministerial travel papers

Issue date: 
Tue 18 Jul 2017

Uploading travel papers

Template for Administrator of the Government appointment documents

Issue date: 
Thu 13 Jul 2017

Template for Administrator of the Government appointment documents

Monitoring Greater Christchurch Regeneration

Commissioned report
Issue date: 
Sun 9 Jul 2017

Greater Christchurch Group has released its June 2017 monitoring report. The report provides a summary of regeneration progress in greater Christchurch, based on data available as at 31 May 2017. 

Approval of the revised text of the Cabinet Manual (2017)

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Wed 5 Jul 2017

The Prime Minister Rt Hon Bill English has proactively released the Cabinet paper about the review of the Cabinet Manual.

Three documents are published below:

Secure handling of Cabinet material

Issue date: 
Tue 4 Jul 2017

Secure handling of Cabinet and Cabinet committee material

Financial implications in Cabinet papers

Issue date: 
Tue 4 Jul 2017

Papers seeking agreement to policy/approval for additional resources to implement that policy should be submitted to the Cabinet committee responsible for that area of government activity.

Contact details

Issue date: 
Thu 29 Jun 2017

Phone and email contact details for the Cabinet Office

Using Open Data for Policy – June 2017

Issue date: 
Thu 29 Jun 2017

Stats NZ hosted the workshop on how to use open data for policy design.

Power to Act request template

Issue date: 
Thu 29 Jun 2017

Power to Act request template

Searching in CabNet

Issue date: 
Wed 28 Jun 2017

Searching in CabNet

Navigating in CabNet

Issue date: 
Wed 28 Jun 2017

Navigating in CabNet

Cabinet minutes

Issue date: 
Wed 28 Jun 2017

Published minutes

CabNet access

Issue date: 
Wed 28 Jun 2017

How CabNet access works and variations to automatically provisioned access

Cathedral Working Group Recommendation Report released 26 May 2017

Commissioned report
Issue date: 
Wed 28 Jun 2017

The Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration (Nicky Wagner) has released the Cathedral Working Group (CWG) Recommendation Report.

Cabinet paper consultation with Ministers

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Cabinet paper consultation with Ministers

Template for Governor-General appointment documents

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Template for Governor-General appointment documents

Cabinet paper consultation with interest groups

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Cabinet paper consultation with interest groups

CabNet: How Cabinet meeting agendas are developed

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Developing Cabinet meeting agendas

Distribution of highly classified Cabinet material

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Distribution of highly classified material

CabNet: How to view Cabinet papers and related documents

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Viewing documents in CabNet

CabNet and CabDocs: Minister's access to Cabinet material

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Access to Cabinet material by Ministers

The role of Cabinet and Cabinet committees

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

The role of Cabinet and Cabinet committees

Advice for Ministers attending Executive Council meetings

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Advice for Ministers attending the Executive Council meetings

CabNet: Published Cabinet paper summaries

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Published summaries in CabNet

Guidelines for drafting Cabinet appointment papers

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Guidelines for drafting Cabinet appointment papers

Submissions to select committees

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Submissions to select committees

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