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Displaying 161 - 192 of 995

Proactive Release: Power to Act for Group of Ministers over the Christmas/New Year Holiday Period 2021/2022 (CAB-21-MIN-0536)

Information release
Issue date: 
Tue 1 Mar 2022

The following document has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), on behalf of the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern:

Proactive Release: Government Response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Terrorist Attack on Christchurch Mosques - Report Back Cabinet Paper and Work Programme

Information release
Issue date: 
Mon 28 Feb 2022

The following documents have been proactively released by the Department of the
Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), on behalf of the Lead Coordination Minister for the

Proactive Release: Intelligence and Security (Review) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Mon 28 Feb 2022

The following documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime
Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), on behalf of Hon Andrew Little, Minister Responsible for the
GCSB and Minister Responsible for the NZSIS:

Responses to Official Information Requests - August 2021

Information release
Issue date: 
Tue 15 Feb 2022

The following is a list of Official Information Request responses released by the DPMC during the month of August 2021.

Proactive Release: Governor General (Allowance) Orders 2021

Information release
Issue date: 
Tue 8 Feb 2022

The following documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), on behalf of the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern:

Proactive Release: Government Response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Terrorist Attack on Christchurch Mosques - Responsible Ministers Meeting Agenda - 3 August 2021

Information release
Issue date: 
Fri 4 Feb 2022

The following documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), on behalf of Hon Andrew Little, Lead Coordination Minister for the Government's Response to the RCOI's Report into the Terrorist Attack on

Proactive Release: Reducing Impact of Debt to Government

Information release
Issue date: 
Thu 3 Feb 2022

The following documents been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), on behalf of Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, Minister for Child Poverty Reduction:

Policy Community Engagement Tool

Issue date: 
Fri 28 Jan 2022

The Government is addressing how it engages with people and communities, so they can have a stronger voice in the design, development and implementation of policies and programmes that affect them.

Christchurch Call Unit

Information release
Issue date: 
Fri 14 Jan 2022

The following document has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), on behalf of (Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern), Prime Minister:

   Christchurch Call Unit

New Year Honours List 2022

Honours list
Issue date: 
Fri 31 Dec 2021
The New Zealand Order of Merit

The Queen has been pleased, on the celebration of the New Year, to make the following appointments to The New Zealand Order of Merit:

Minister's Interests 2020-2021

Information release
Issue date: 
Mon 20 Dec 2021
Proactive release of information about management of ministerial conflicts of interest 1 October 2020 - 30 September 2021

Legislation process and Cabinet legislation papers

Issue date: 
Mon 20 Dec 2021

Legislation process and Cabinet legislation papers

Cabinet Decision CAB-21-SUB-0194: Governor General's Travel to Australia

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Fri 17 Dec 2021

This Cabinet paper and related Cabinet minute have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, on behalf of Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister.

NEMA 2021/22 Gender Pay Agency Action Plan

Issue date: 
Fri 17 Dec 2021

Integrating diversity and inclusion is a key ingredient for our organisational success - it helps DPMC and NEMA improve our services to the Government and people of New Zealand, and to attract and retain talented employees.

Special Honours List 16 December 2021 (Bravery Awards)

Honours list
Issue date: 
Thu 16 Dec 2021
New Zealand Bravery Awards

The Queen has been pleased to approve the following New Zealand Bravery Awards:

The New Zealand Cross

For acts of great bravery in a situation of extreme danger:

Cabinet Decision ERS-19-MIN-0002: Managing Foreign Terrorist Fighters (February 2019)

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Mon 6 Dec 2021

Th following document has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), on behalf of Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, Minister for National Security and Intelligence:

CO (21) 2: Legislation Guidelines: Cabinet Requirements and Expectations

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Thu 2 Dec 2021

CO (21) 2: Legislation Guidelines: Cabinet Requirements and Expectations

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Tue 30 Nov 2021

Climate Change and Behaviour Change

Issue date: 
Wed 24 Nov 2021

This presentation sets out the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Agency's priorities in motivating a generation to take climate positive action.

Health and Disability Reform papers informing legislation content

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Wed 24 Nov 2021

The following documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), on behalf of Hon Andrew Little, Minister of Health:

Encouraging Sustainable Food Choices

Issue date: 
Wed 24 Nov 2021

The Auckland City Council's presentation on encouraging sustainable food choices.

Whāriki Haumaru: A partnered approach to clearing Warrants to Arrest

Issue date: 
Tue 23 Nov 2021

This is a presentation from Behavioural Science Aotearoa on a partnered approach to clearing Warrants to Arrest.

Annual Report 2021

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Thu 21 Oct 2021
Chief Executive’s foreword

Mahia i runga i te rangimārie me te ngākau māhaki
With a calm mind and a respectful heart we will always get the best results

Annual Report 2021

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Thu 21 Oct 2021




Regulatory Impact Statement: Decision on the organisational form of a Māori Health Authority

Issue date: 
Wed 20 Oct 2021

The Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill lays the foundation for the transformation of our health system to support all New Zealanders to live longer and have the best possible quality of life. 

Special Honours List 28 September 2021

Honours list
Issue date: 
Tue 28 Sep 2021
The Queen's Service Order

The Queen has been pleased to make the following appointment to The Queen's Service Order:


To be an Additional Companion of the said Order:

Responses to Official Information Requests - July 2021

Information release
Issue date: 
Mon 27 Sep 2021

The following is a list of Official Information Request responses released by the DPMC during the month of July 2021.

Implementation Unit: Mid-term Review of the 2019 Mental Health Package

Issue date: 
Fri 24 Sep 2021

The purpose of this briefing is to outline the findings and recommendations from a mid-term review of the 2019 $1.9bn mental health and addiction package, commissioned by the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Health on 2 July 2021.

Update from the Transition Unit - Thursday 23 September 2021

News and notices
Issue date: 
Thu 23 Sep 2021
Expert group appointed to lead New Zealand's future health system

Hon Andrew Little
Minister of Health

Update from the Transition Unit - Monday 6 September 2021

News and notices
Issue date: 
Mon 6 Sep 2021
Health and Disability Sector Reform

Stephen McKernan

Director – Transition Unit (TU)

Kia ora koutou

Cabinet Decision LEG-21-SUB-0108: Subordinate Legislation Confirmation Bill (No.6): Approval for Introduction

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Thu 2 Sep 2021

This Cabinet material has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), on behalf of Hon Chris Hipkins, Leader of the House.

Responses to Official Information Requests - February 2021

Information release
Issue date: 
Thu 26 Aug 2021

The following is a list of Official Information Request responses released by the DPMC during the month of February 2021.

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