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Displaying 993 - 995 of 995

New Year Honours List 1996

Honours list
Issue date: 
Sat 30 Dec 1995

Note: Text as published in the New Zealand Gazette (Special), Wellington: Friday, 19 January 1996 – Issue No. 4 (pp.121 - 124)

Special Honours List 10 November 1995

Honours list
Issue date: 
Tue 7 Nov 1995

Note: Extract from the New Zealand Gazette, 16 November 1995, No. 134, p. 4364


Honours and Awards

The Queen's Birthday Honours List 1995

Honours list
Issue date: 
Sat 17 Jun 1995

Text from the New Zealand Gazette (Special), Wellington: Friday, 23 June 1995 – Issue No. 62 (pp.1567 - 1600)

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