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Public notice: Burwood Resource Recovery Park (additional area for disposal of earthquake waste)

News and notices
Issue date: 
Sat 9 Apr 2016

The Burwood Resource Recovery Park was established following the Canterbury earthquakes of 2010-2011 to manage the receipt and resource processing of mixed materials from the demolition of commercial and residential buildings. 

Panel Meeting Papers: 31 March 2016

Issue date: 
Thu 31 Mar 2016

CO (16) 2: Cabinet Directions for the Conduct of Crown Legal Business 2016

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Wed 30 Mar 2016

This circular sets out the Cabinet Directions for the Conduct of Crown Legal Business. Their primary purpose is to identify core Crown legal matters, to set out how those matters are conducted by Government, and to set out the Law Officers’ oversight of such legal matters.

Building the policy ecosystem – Andrew Kibblewhite speech to IPANZ and VUW School of Government

Issue date: 
Tue 23 Feb 2016

In this speech, hosted by IPANZ at Victoria University of Wellington’s new Auckland facility, Andrew Kibblewhite shared his views on what makes for quality policy advice. 

New Year Honours List 2016

Honours list
Issue date: 
Thu 31 Dec 2015
The Order of New Zealand

The Queen has been pleased, on the celebration of the New Year, to make the following appointment to The Order of New Zealand:


To be a Member of the said Order:

Ministers' interests 2014-2015

Information release
Issue date: 
Fri 18 Dec 2015

Proactive release of information about management of ministerial conflicts of interest,
1 October 2014 – 30 September 2015

Panel Meeting Papers: 15 December 2015

Issue date: 
Tue 15 Dec 2015

Nehal Davison presentation: Institute for Government

Issue date: 
Tue 15 Dec 2015

Lifting the policy game across the system: The case of 'The Policy Project' – Nehal Davison case study

Issue date: 
Tue 15 Dec 2015

This case study was written by Nehal Davison from the UK Institute for Government during a five week secondment to the Policy Project team in the New Zealand Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC).

New Zealand's Cyber Security Strategy

Issue date: 
Thu 10 Dec 2015

A refreshed New Zealand Cyber Security Strategy, accompanying Action Plan, and a National Plan to Address Cybercrime, were released on 10 December 2015 and replace New Zealand's 2011 Cyber Security Strategy.

Special Honours List 3 December 2015 (Gallantry Awards)

Honours list
Issue date: 
Thu 3 Dec 2015
New Zealand Gallantry Awards

The Queen has been pleased to approve the following New Zealand Gallantry Awards.

New Zealand Gallantry Star (NZGS)

To receive the New Zealand Gallantry Star:

Panel Meeting Paper: 20 November 2015

Issue date: 
Fri 20 Nov 2015

Annual Report 2015

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Wed 21 Oct 2015

Report of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and Report by the Minister of Canterbury Earthquake Recovery on Vote Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Non-departmental Appropriations

Strategic Intentions 2015 - 2019 - HTML version

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Wed 21 Oct 2015
Ministerial Statement of Responsibility

Strategic Intentions 2015 - 2019

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Wed 21 Oct 2015

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet: Strategic Intentions 2015 - 2019

Tackling methamphetamine: indicators and progress report October 2015

Commissioned report
Issue date: 
Thu 1 Oct 2015

Cabinet Minute CAB-15-MIN-0126: New Zealand Flag Referendums (First Flag Referendum) Amendment Order

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Mon 28 Sep 2015

This Cabinet minute finalised amendments to the original flag referendum bill, including an agreement to waive the 28-day rule.

Jeanne Liedtka seminar – designing for social good

Issue date: 
Thu 24 Sep 2015

Order of precedence in New Zealand

Issue date: 
Thu 17 Sep 2015

17 September 2015

Cabinet Paper - New Zealand Flag Referendums (First Flag Referendum) Amendment Order: September 2015

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Tue 1 Sep 2015

This paper seeks approval of a proposed Order in Council, the New Zealand Flag Referendums (First Flag Referendum) Amendment Order, which will amend the New Zealand Flag Referendums (First Flag Referendum) Order 2015, to allow for the inclusion of a fifth alternative flag design on the voting paper for the first referendum.

Cabinet Minute CAB-15-MIN-0048: Additional Item: New Zealand Flag Referendums Orders 2015

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Mon 31 Aug 2015

This Cabinet minute discusses the process around the flag referendum, including authorising the submission to the Executive Council.

Panel Meeting Papers: 18 August 2015

Issue date: 
Tue 18 Aug 2015

Panel Meeting Papers: 11 August 2015

Issue date: 
Tue 11 Aug 2015

Panel report to the Deputy Prime Minister: August 2015

Issue date: 
Fri 7 Aug 2015

Cabinet Paper - New Zealand Flag Referendums Orders: August 2015

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Sat 1 Aug 2015

This paper seeks approval of two draft Orders in Council, the New Zealand Flag Referendums (First Flag Referendum) Order 2015, and the New Zealand Flag Referendums (Second Flag Referendum) Order 2015 (the Orders in Council), which will bring provisions of the New Zealand Flag Referendums Act 2015 into force.

Panel Meeting Papers: 30 July 2015

Issue date: 
Thu 30 Jul 2015

Panel Meeting Paper: 23 July 2015

Issue date: 
Thu 23 Jul 2015

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