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Cabinet decisions

Cabinet Decision CAB-19-SUB-0355: Proposed Overseas Travel: Prime Minister (July 2019)

Issue date: 
Friday, 20 September 2019
Issue status: 
Version note: 

Some parts of this information release would not be appropriate to release and, if requested, would be withheld under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act). Where this is the case, the relevant sections of the Act that would apply have been identified. Where information has been withheld, no public interest has been identified that would outweigh the reasons for withholding it.

This Cabinet paper and related Cabinet minute have been proactively released by
the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, on behalf of Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister.

Accessible HTML version

Only the Cabinet minute is extracted below in HTML.  If you require a full HTML version of this Cabinet decision release please contact and cite CAB-19-SUB-0355 as a reference.

Extract from Cabinet Minute CAB-19-SUB-0355 Proposed Overseas Travel: Prime Minister

On 22 July 2019, Cabinet:

1.  authorised the absence of the Prime Minister from New Zealand, from the morning of 27 July 2019 until the evening of 1 August 2019, to undertake official travel to Tokelau, with a transit visit to Samoa;

2. agreed that she be accompanied by two members of staff and Hon Kris Faafoi;

3. approved the estimated expenditure of up to [9(2)(f)(iv)] for the Prime Ministerial party as a charge to Vote: Internal Affairs (Members of the Executive – Travel);

4. noted that she will be accompanied by officials from the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF), and Police Protection Service officers, whose costs will be met by their respective votes;

5. noted that she will also be accompanied by a contingent of New Zealand media;

6. noted that the host governments will assist with some transport, hospitality and meal costs;

7. noted that travel from Samoa to the atolls in the Tokelau group will be by NZDF vessel;

8. agreed that in her absence:

8.1 Rt Hon Winston Peters act as Prime Minister and Minister for National Security and Intelligence from the afternoon of 27 July until the afternoon of 30 July 2019;

8.2 Hon Kelvin Davis act as Prime Minister and Minister for National Security and Intelligence on the morning of 27 July and from the afternoon of 30 July until the evening of 1 August;

8.3 Hon Grant Robertson act as Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage;

8.4 Hon Tracey Martin act as Minister for Child Poverty Reduction;

9. agreed that in Hon Kris Faafoi’s absence:

9.1 Hon Grant Robertson act as Minister of Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media;

9.2 Hon Megan Woods act as Minister for Government Digital Services;

9.3 Hon Stuart Nash act as Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs;

10. noted that the House is sitting during her absence.


Last updated: 
Friday, 20 September 2019

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