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Cabinet decisions

Cabinet Decision DEV-19-SUB-0068: Global Settlement With Christchurch City Council: Update on Progress of Negotiations (April 2019)

Issue date: 
Friday, 20 December 2019
Issue status: 
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This Cabinet paper and related Cabinet minute have been proactively released by the Minister for Greater Christchurch Recovery.

Accessible HTML version

Only the Cabinet minute is extracted below in HTML.  If you require a full HTML version of this Cabinet decision release please contact and cite DEV-19-SUB-0068  as a reference.

Extract from Cabinet Minute DEV-19-MIN-0068: Global Settlement With Christchurch City Council: Update on Progress of Negotiations

On 3 April 2019, the Cabinet Economic Development Committee (DEV):


1noted that, noted that on 10 December 2018, DEV:

1.1 approved the negotiating parameters for the Crown’s global settlement discussions with the Christchurch City Council (the Council);

1.2 invited the Minister of Finance and the Minister for Greater Christchurch Regeneration (joint Ministers) to report back on the progress of negotiations and the proposed terms of settlement; [DEV-18-MIN-0285]

2noted that: 

2.1 the process to date has shown a strong collaborative effort between both the Crown and the Council;

2.2 the proposed in-principle agreements make significant progress toward restoring a normalised relationship with the Council and are a good outcome for both parties;

Draft Agreement in Principle

3noted that official-level negotiators have developed a draft Agreement in Principle that covers the following matters, subject to agreement by Council and further negotiations on the specific terms, such as timing of transfers (to be completed

Confirm pre-existing commitments

3.1 the Bus Interchange, Margaret Mahy Family Playground, and Avon River Precinct will be transferred to the Council, and the Council will pay the Crown the sums owing for these assets by 30 September 2019;

3.2 Crown-owned residential red zone (RRZ) land in Port Hills, Brooklands, and Southshore/South New Brighton will be transferred to the Council (or an agreed nominee), and the Council will pay the Crown the outstanding amount under the 2013 Cost Sharing Agreement for its share of the costs of making an offer to purchase certain properties in the Port Hills;

Address assets needed for regeneration

3.3 Crown-owned RRZ land in the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor will be transferred to the Council or an agreed nominee, subject to further engagement by the Crown with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu (for example, in relation to any obligations under the Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998);

3.4 the Crown will reconfigure some of the land titles using powers under the Greater Christchurch Regeneration Act 2016 (the GCR Act) before transfer. This will result in costs for Land Information New Zealand, [s9(2)(i)].

3.5 the Council will establish transitional governance arrangements for future use of the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor area by 1 July 2019;

Janine Harvey
Committee Secretary

Last updated: 
Friday, 20 December 2019

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