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Information release

Responses to Official Information Requests - December 2021

Issue date: 
Thursday, 14 April 2022
Issue status: 
Version note: 

Some parts of the documents in this information release would not be appropriate to release and, if requested, would be withheld under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act). Where this is the case, the relevant sections of the Act that would apply have been identified. Where information has been withheld, no public interest has been identified that would outweigh the reasons for withholding it.

Responses were sent to requestor on the dates listed in the table below.

Accessible versions of this material are available on request from DPMC.

The following is a list of Official Information Request responses released by the DPMC during the month of December 2021.

Date Sent OIA Reference Title
1 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0393 Alert level requirements (PDF, 148 KB)
1 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0543 Plans for the Death of Queen Elizabeth II (PDF, 812 KB)
3 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0381 COVID-19 Group Community Panel (PDF, 11 MB)
3 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0557 VHR Categorisation follow up (PDF, 355 KB)
7 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0420 Delivery Associates and the Implementation Unit (PDF, 151 KB)
10 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0442 Related to COVID-19 vaccine certificate (PDF, 267 KB)
10 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0648 When will VHR Countries be reviewed (PDF, 243 KB)
13 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0441 Surveys of public perception of COVID-19 Response (PDF, 5 MB)
14 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0665 Exercises planned for Nov and Dec follow up (PDF, 349 KB)
15 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0453 Responses to consultation on New Zealand's draft principles and objectives for negotiating a new UN convention on cybercrime (PDF, 8.8 MB)
15 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0531 Daily situation reports since 4 September (PDF, 24 MB)
17 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0155 Polling and focus groups (PDF, 11 MB)
17 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0487 Performance payments and bonus policy (PDF, 1 MB)
20 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0477 National Risk Register (PDF, 1 MB)
22 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0489 Vaccine certificate (PDF, 887 KB)
24 Dec 2021 OIA-2021/22-0707 Protection Framework, scientific modeling and risk of unvaccinated (PDF, 882 KB)
Last updated: 
Thursday, 14 April 2022

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