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Information release

Responses to Official Information Requests - March 2022

Issue date: 
Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Issue status: 
Version note: 

Some parts of the documents in this information release would not be appropriate to release and, if requested, would be withheld under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act). Where this is the case, the relevant sections of the Act that would apply have been identified. Where information has been withheld, no public interest has been identified that would outweigh the reasons for withholding it.

Responses were sent to requestor on the dates listed in the table below.

Accessible versions of this material are available on request from DPMC.

The following is a list of Official Information Request responses released by the DPMC during the month of March 2022.

Date Sent OIA Reference Title
04 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-0967 Carbon Neutral Plan (PDF, 309 KB)
07 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-0735 Advertising related to COVID-19 (PDF, 162 KB)
08 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-0244 Advice re masks in education facilities (PDF, 19.8 MB)
08 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-1007 Number and cost of responding to OIA requests (PDF, 218 KB)
10 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-0404 COVID-19 Marketing budget and spending (PDF, 205 KB)
11 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-0998 Communications and engagement staff (PDF, 286 KB)
11 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-1039 Staff Working from Home (PDF, 138 KB)
14 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-0981 Advertising expenditure for COVID-19 Response (PDF, 773 KB)
16 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-0854 List of National Security Group briefings and Cabinet papers since January 2021 (PDF, 418 KB)
18 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-0141 Decision making documents relating the COVID-19 Case identified on 17 August 2021 (PDF, 10.2 MB)
23 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-1027 HM The Queen Platinum Jubilee update (PDF, 649 KB)
24 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-0677 Officials travel costs and cost of UAC website (PDF, 316 KB)
24 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-0914 Cost of payments to influencers to promote Covid messages (PDF, 205 KB)
24 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-1038 Questions on Vaccination (PDF, 138 KB)
25 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-0714 Vaccines, human rights, crimes against humanity and war crimes (PDF, 342 KB)
28 Mar 2022 OIA-2021/22-0882 New Zealand Pandemic Risk Profile (PDF, 183 KB)
Last updated: 
Wednesday, 11 May 2022

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