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Cabinet committee

(ERS) Cabinet External Relations and Security Committee

Meets monthly, or as required
Terms of reference: 
Oversight of the national security and intelligence sector, and to consider strategic, policy, and legislative matters relating to the sector, foreign affairs, defence (excluding Defence procurement), and significant hazards. Coordinate and direct national responses to major crises or circumstances affecting national security (either domestic or international). ERS, or a subcommittee of ERS as determined by the Prime Minister, will have Power to Act where the need for urgent action and/or operational or security considerations require it.
Committee chair: 
Rt Hon Chris Hipkins
Other members: 
Hon Carmel Sepuloni
Hon Kelvin Davis
Hon Grant Robertson
Hon Michael Wood
Hon Damien O'Connor
Hon Andrew Little
Hon David Parker
Hon Nanaia Mahuta (Deputy Chair)
Hon Kieran McAnulty
Hon Ginny Andersen

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