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Cabinet committee

(MCR) Cabinet Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti Committee

Meets monthly, or as required.
Terms of reference: 
To consider strategic and policy matters relating to Treaty of Waitangi settlement negotiations and the delivery of post-settlement commitments, the Crown's Treaty obligations, the revitalisation of te reo Māori, and opportunities that exist in the post-Treaty settlement environment.
Committee chair: 
Hon Kelvin Davis
Other members: 
Rt Hon Chris Hipkins
Hon Carmel Sepuloni
Hon Willie Jackson
Hon Kiri Allan
Hon Andrew Little (Deputy Chair)
Hon David Parker
Hon Peeni Henare
Hon Nanaia Mahuta
Hon Kieran McAnulty
Hon Ginny Andersen
Hon Stuart Nash
Hon Meka Whaitiri
Hon Willow-Jean Prime
Hon Rino Tirikatene

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