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Cabinet committee

(LEG) Cabinet Legislation Committee

Meets weekly during sitting weeks
Applies to all portfolios
Terms of reference: 
To consider the legislation programme, draft Bills and regulations, government responses to petitions, select committee reports, and Law Commission reports. LEG may also consider minor policy issues relating to these matters. Government responses to significant select committee reports and Law Commission reports should be dealt with at a policy committee if they involve significant new policy or amendments to existing policy.
Committee chair: 
Hon Grant Robertson
Other members: 
Rt Hon Chris Hipkins
Hon Carmel Sepuloni
Hon Michael Wood
Hon Kiri Allan
Hon Andrew Little
Hon David Parker
Hon Kieran McAnulty (Deputy Chair)
Hon Barbara Edmonds
Hon Dr Duncan Webb
Hon Willow-Jean Prime
Tangi Utikere, MP (Chief Government Whip)

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