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Access to previous papers and minutes by Ministers

Issue date: 
Monday, 19 June 2017
Issue status: 
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Version note: 

This publication is part of the CabGuide.

Access to papers and minutes within CabNet will persist for Ministers that have access at the time that the paper was lodged and considered for as long as they continue to be a Minister.

Access to CabNet will cease when a Minister leaves office.

Chapter 8 of the Cabinet Manual contains information about the convention on access to documents of a previous administration.

The convention allows Ministers of the current government to consult the Cabinet records of a previous government on a confidential basis. It also gives former Ministers ongoing access to Cabinet records dating from their time in office. The convention therefore emphasises the continuity of government, even though changes in the parties in government may occur.

Follow this link for information about the distribution of hard copy Cabinet and Cabinet committee material to Ministers.

Last updated: 
Friday, 13 November 2015

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