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Displaying 865 - 896 of 995

Cabinet Paper - Six Monthly Report of the Ministerial Committee on Poverty: April 2013

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Mon 1 Apr 2013

This paper summarises the measures to prevent and alleviate poverty that are being overseen by the Ministerial Committee on Poverty (MCOP) and proposes a further response to child poverty-related issues.

New Year Honours List 2013

Honours list
Issue date: 
Mon 31 Dec 2012

The New Zealand Order of Merit

The Queen has been pleased on the occasion of the celebration of the New Year, to make the following appointments to The New Zealand Order of Merit:


CO (12) 7: Guidelines for Dealing with Inside Information About Public Issuers

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Thu 20 Dec 2012

This circular sets out guidance agreed to by Cabinet for Ministers and officials dealing with inside information relating to public issuers, including mixed ownership model companies and other companies in which the Crown has an ownership stake. Please note, this circular replaces Cabinet Office Circular CO (02) 14, Guidance for Dealing with Information Relating to Publicly Listed Companies.

New Zealand's Cyber Security Strategy 2011

Issue date: 
Thu 25 Oct 2012

June 2011

Annual Report 2012

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Tue 23 Oct 2012

Report of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet: Report to the House of Representatives for the year ended 30 June 2012

Annual Report 2012 - HTML version

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Tue 23 Oct 2012

Report of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet: Report to the House of Representatives for the year ended 30 June 2012

Tackling methamphetamine: indicators and progress October 2012

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Mon 1 Oct 2012

Ministerial Committee on Poverty

Issue date: 
Tue 7 Aug 2012

The Ministerial Committee on Poverty arose out of the Relationship Accord and Confidence and Supply Agreement between the National Party and the Māori Party.

Ministerial Committee on Poverty - Maori Party: August 2012

Information release
Issue date: 
Wed 1 Aug 2012

Measures to improve youth mental health

Issue date: 
Fri 29 Jun 2012

Cabinet Paper: Measures to Improve Youth Mental Health

The Queen's Birthday and Diamond Jubilee Honours List 2012

Honours list
Issue date: 
Mon 4 Jun 2012

The Order of New Zealand

The Queen has been pleased on the occasion of the celebration of Her Majesty's Birthday and Diamond Jubilee, to make the following appointments to The Order of New Zealand:

Statement of Intent 2012 - 2016

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Thu 24 May 2012

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet: Strategic Intentions 2012 - 2016

Statement of Intent 2012 - 2016 - HTML version

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Thu 24 May 2012
Statements of Responsibility Ministerial Statement of Responsibility

Tackling methamphetamine: indicators and progress report May 2012

Commissioned report
Issue date: 
Tue 1 May 2012

CE Disclosure - December 2011

Information release
Issue date: 
Tue 14 Feb 2012
International Travel - Credit Card expenses Date

Best practice guidelines for selecting advertising and media agencies

Issue date: 
Thu 9 Feb 2012
Best practice guidelines for selecting advertising and media agencies - a Government/CAANZ publication to assist both government entities and their partners in  media and advertising agencies to achieve  better outcomes in relation to agency procurement and selection. If you have any feedback on these guidelines please send it to

Briefing to the incoming Prime Minister (2011)

Briefing to incoming Minister
Issue date: 
Fri 3 Feb 2012

Aide Memoire - Ministerial Committee on Poverty Framework: January 2012

Information release
Issue date: 
Mon 30 Jan 2012

Treasury Report T2012/37 Data on Poverty in New Zealand: January 2012

Information release
Issue date: 
Fri 13 Jan 2012

New Year Honours List 2012

Honours list
Issue date: 
Sat 31 Dec 2011


The Queen has been pleased on the occasion of the celebration of the New Year, to make the following appointment to The Order of New Zealand:


New Zealand's national security system

Issue date: 
Mon 28 Nov 2011

One of the most important responsibilities of any government is to ensure the security and territorial integrity of the nation, including protecting the institutions that sustain confidence, good governance, and prosperity.

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