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Displaying 833 - 864 of 995

David Albury – building innovative practice into policy development

Issue date: 
Tue 18 Nov 2014

Dr David Albury is a Director of the Innovation Unit Board.

Amended Cabinet Minute CAB Min (14) 34/1: Process to Consider Changing the New Zealand Flag

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Tue 28 Oct 2014

This Cabinet minute sets the basic principles and processes for the flag referendum including the budget.

Annual Report 2014

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Tue 21 Oct 2014

Report of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet: Report to the House of Representatives for the year ended 30 June 2014

Statement of Intent 2014 - 2018 - HTML version

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Tue 21 Oct 2014
Ministerial Statement of Responsibility

Annual Report 2014 - HTML version

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Tue 21 Oct 2014

Report of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet: Report to the House of Representatives for the year ended 30 June 2014

Statement of Intent 2014 - 2018

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Tue 21 Oct 2014

Cabinet Paper CAB (14) 541 with Appendices 2 and 3: October 2014

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Wed 1 Oct 2014

This paper recommends a process to consider changing New Zealand's national flag (the New Zealand Flag), within the parameters set by Cabinet in March 2014.

Appendix 1 of Cabinet Paper CAB (14) 541: October 2014

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Wed 1 Oct 2014

This appendix sets out the proposed timeline for the flag referendum process as at October 2014.

Tackling methamphetamine: progress report October 2014

Commissioned report
Issue date: 
Wed 1 Oct 2014

Policy Leaders Forum – July 2014

Issue date: 
Thu 31 Jul 2014

Special Honours List 23 June 2014 (Bravery Awards)

Honours list
Issue date: 
Mon 23 Jun 2014



The Queen has been pleased to approve the following New Zealand Bravery Awards:


The Queen's Birthday Honours List 2014

Honours list
Issue date: 
Mon 2 Jun 2014

The Order of New Zealand

The Queen has been pleased, on the occasion of the celebration of Her Majesty's Birthday, to make the following appointment to The Order of New Zealand:


Special Honours List 28 April 2014

Honours list
Issue date: 
Mon 28 Apr 2014

The Queen’s Service Order
The Order of New Zealand
The New Zealand Order of Merit 

Special Honours List 3 April 2014

Honours list
Issue date: 
Thu 3 Apr 2014

The Royal Victorian Order

His Excellency the Governor-General of New Zealand wishes to record that The Queen has been pleased on the celebration of the New Year, to make the following promotion in the Royal Victorian Order:

Tackling methamphetamine: indicators and progress report April 2014

Commissioned report
Issue date: 
Tue 1 Apr 2014

New Year Honours List 2014

Honours list
Issue date: 
Tue 31 Dec 2013

The New Zealand Order of Merit

The Queen has been pleased, on the celebration of the New Year, to make the following appointments to The New Zealand Order of Merit:


Ministers' interests 2012-2013

Information release
Issue date: 
Tue 3 Dec 2013

Proactive release of information about management of ministerial conflicts of interest,
1 October 2012 - 30 September 2013

Special Honours List 2 December 2013 (Bravery Awards)

Honours list
Issue date: 
Mon 2 Dec 2013


The Queen has been pleased to approve the following New Zealand Bravery Awards:

Annual Report 2013

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Tue 15 Oct 2013

Report of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet: Report to the House of Representatives for the year ended 30 June 2013

Annual Report 2013 - HTML version

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Tue 15 Oct 2013

Report of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet: Report to the House of Representatives for the year ended 30 June 2013

Tackling methamphetamine: indicators and progress report October 2013

Commissioned report
Issue date: 
Tue 1 Oct 2013

CO (13) 4: Crown Entities Act 2004:Section 107 directions to support a whole of government approach

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Mon 12 Aug 2013

This Circular replaces Cabinet Office Circular CO (06) 6 Whole of Government Directions under the Crown Entities Act 2004.

This Circular sets out requirements for issuing a direction under section 107 of the Crown Entities Act 2004. Cabinet approval must be secured to undertake consultation and issue the direction.

DPMC releases email correspondence relating to Henry Inquiry

Information release
Issue date: 
Fri 2 Aug 2013

DPMC releases email correspondence relating to Henry Inquiry

CO (13) 3: Disclosure Requirements for Government Legislation

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Thu 4 Jul 2013

This circular outlines what disclosure will be required during the initial administrative period of legislation development. Ministers and Chief Executives should ensure that all staff involved in the preparation of legislation are familiar with the advice in this circular.

The Queen's Birthday Honours List 2013

Honours list
Issue date: 
Mon 3 Jun 2013

The Order of New Zealand

The Queen has been pleased, on the occasion of the celebration of Her Majesty's Birthday, to make the following appointment to The Order of New Zealand:


Statement of Intent 2013 - 2017 - HTML version

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Thu 16 May 2013

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet: Statement of Intent 2013 - 2017

Statement of Intent 2013 - 2017

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Thu 16 May 2013

Special Honours List 20 April 2013 (Gallantry Awards)

Honours list
Issue date: 
Sat 20 Apr 2013

Special Honours List – 20 April 2013


The Queen has been pleased to approve the following New Zealand Gallantry Awards:

GCSB and Oversight Legislation briefing document

Briefing to incoming Minister
Issue date: 
Wed 17 Apr 2013

GCSB and Oversight Legislation Briefing Document

Speech notes for New Zealand Information Security Forum: Cybersecurity: Why it matters for New Zealand

Issue date: 
Mon 15 Apr 2013

Speech notes for New Zealand Information Security Forum: Cybersecurity: Why it matters for New Zealand
11 April 2013

Cabinet Paper - Six Monthly Report of the Ministerial Committee on Poverty: April 2013

Cabinet decisions
Issue date: 
Mon 1 Apr 2013

This paper summarises the measures to prevent and alleviate poverty that are being overseen by the Ministerial Committee on Poverty (MCOP) and proposes a further response to child poverty-related issues.

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