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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5

Regulatory Impact Statement: Severe Weather Emergency Recovery Bill

Issue date: 
Mon 27 Mar 2023

The 2023 severe weather events in the North Island have caused widespread damage to land, waterways, infrastructure and roading.

Regulatory Impact Statement: Decision on the organisational form of a Māori Health Authority

Issue date: 
Wed 20 Oct 2021

The Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill lays the foundation for the transformation of our health system to support all New Zealanders to live longer and have the best possible quality of life. 

Regulatory Impact Statement - Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Bill

Issue date: 
Mon 4 Dec 2017

Almost 7 years after the February 2011 earthquake, Christ Church Cathedral remains significantly damaged. 

Regulatory Impact Statement - Budget 2015 package to address child material hardship in New Zealand

Issue date: 
Thu 21 May 2015

Regulatory Impact Statement

Budget 2015 package to address child material hardship in New Zealand

Regulatory Impact Statement - Foreign Terrorist Fighters - Targeted review of relevant legislation

Issue date: 
Tue 25 Nov 2014

Regulatory Impact Statement

Foreign Terrorist Fighters - Targeted review of relevant legislation

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