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Guidance for items not uploaded into CabNet

Issue date: 
Tuesday, 18 July 2017
Issue status: 
Published by: 
Version note: 

This publication is part of the CabGuide.

What types of items are not lodged in CabNet?

There are two types of Cabinet and committee items that are not uploaded into CabNet:

  • highly classified papers – papers classified Confidential or higher (or with certain endorsements) cannot be uploaded into CabNet
  • additional items – items for which there is no accompanying paper such as oral items and memos.

These two types of items may be referenced in CabNet for administrative purposes and for uploading an associated minute (if a minute is required and has a security classification that allows it to be uploaded into CabNet).

Highly classified items and oral items that are listed against meetings in CabNet will have an associated business identifier (i.e. CAB-17-SUB-0001). The individual business identifier will match the hard copy of the highly classified paper which is distributed manually.

Highly classified items will be listed on Cabinet and Cabinet committee agendas as non-CabNet items (i.e. Non-CabNet item: Example Document). The related Cabinet material will be managed offline.

Oral items at Cabinet will not be listed on the Cabinet agenda prior to the meeting. Oral items for Cabinet committees will be identified on the agenda as oral items (i.e. Oral Item: Example Document).

Other documentation received by the Cabinet Office

Requests for oral items, items direct to Cabinet, Power to Act for a Cabinet committee, and late papers are dealt with by email, by phone, or in person. Refer to these pages for more information about these processes:

The Cabinet Office also receives and generates documents on behalf of the Prime Minister and the Governor-General. The following documents are not uploaded into CabNet:

Refer to the following pages for more information

Last updated: 
Monday, 6 March 2017

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