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Displaying 705 - 736 of 995

The role of Cabinet and Cabinet committees

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

The role of Cabinet and Cabinet committees

Advice for Ministers attending Executive Council meetings

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Advice for Ministers attending the Executive Council meetings

CabNet: Published Cabinet paper summaries

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Published summaries in CabNet

Guidelines for drafting Cabinet appointment papers

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Guidelines for drafting Cabinet appointment papers

Submissions to select committees

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Submissions to select committees

Restraint in making significant appointments during the pre-election period

Issue date: 
Mon 26 Jun 2017

Restraint in making significant appointments during the pre-election period

Requirements for international treaty Cabinet papers

Issue date: 
Fri 23 Jun 2017

Requirements for international treaty papers

Briefing to the incoming Minister of Communications for Cyber Security Policy (Dec 2016)

Briefing to incoming Minister
Issue date: 
Wed 21 Jun 2017

The briefing to incoming Minister of Communications gives an overview of the priorities of the cyber security policy, and identifies some of the more significant issues and opportunities.

GEN 2016 Behavioural Insights Workshop – Lee McCauley

Issue date: 
Wed 21 Jun 2017

Briefing to the incoming Prime Minister (Dec 2016)

Briefing to incoming Minister
Issue date: 
Wed 21 Jun 2017

The briefing to the incoming Prime Minister gives an overview of the priorities of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and identifies some of the more significant issues and opportunities.

Building policy capability in the Ministry for Culture and Heritage

Issue date: 
Wed 21 Jun 2017

This case study by Paul Barker outlines the key elements that have underscored the Ministry for Culture and Heritage's success as a top performing policy shop. 

Policy Analyst Forum – October 2014

Issue date: 
Wed 21 Jun 2017

Use of evidence in public policy – June 2017

Issue date: 
Wed 21 Jun 2017

Superu and the Victoria University School of Government hosted a roundtable for senior officials and experts with Dr Sarah Morton and Andrew Kibblewhite, Head of the Policy Profession.

Use of the Cabinet and committee rooms

Issue date: 
Mon 19 Jun 2017

Use of the Cabinet and Cabinet committee rooms

Access to previous papers and minutes by Ministers

Issue date: 
Mon 19 Jun 2017

Access to previous papers and minutes by Ministers

Hard copy distribution of Cabinet material to Ministers

Issue date: 
Mon 19 Jun 2017

Hard copy distribution of Cabinet and Cabinet committee material to Ministers

Process for items that go directly to the Executive Council

Issue date: 
Mon 19 Jun 2017

Process for items that go directly to the Executive Council

New Zealand's Cyber Security Strategy Action Plan Annual Report 2016

Government strategy/plan
Issue date: 
Thu 15 Jun 2017

Access to previous papers and minutes

Issue date: 
Mon 12 Jun 2017

Access to previous papers and minutes

Managing a CabNet submission

Issue date: 
Mon 12 Jun 2017

Managing a CabNet submission

Briefing to the incoming Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration (May 2017)

Briefing to incoming Minister
Issue date: 
Tue 6 Jun 2017

A BIM (Briefing to the incoming Minister) gives a new Minister an overview of the priorities of their department or Ministry, and identifies some of the more significant issues and opportunities.

Queen's Birthday Honours List 2017

Honours list
Issue date: 
Mon 5 Jun 2017
The New Zealand Order of Merit

The Queen has been pleased, on the occasion of the celebration of Her Majesty’s Birthday, to make the following appointments to The New Zealand Order of Merit:

Four Year Plan 2017-2021

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Wed 31 May 2017

This Plan describes the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s (DPMC) purpose, medium-term strategy, and how we plan to organise our resources over the next four financial years, to 2020/21.

Agency Policy Capability Leads – 17 May 2017

Issue date: 
Wed 17 May 2017

In the second of the Policy Project workshops with policy capability leads (people nominated by their agency to lead work to improve policy quality and capability), we discussed Policy Project work in progress, had a report back from the Tier 2 Policy l

Understanding Public Value – Leaders roundtable with Professor Mark Moore: May 2017

Issue date: 
Fri 5 May 2017

The Head of the Policy Profession hosted a roundtable for senior policy leaders with Professor Mark Moore from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

Policy Stewardship: Tier 2 Policy Leaders' Workshop – 26 April 2017

Issue date: 
Wed 26 Apr 2017

The Head of the Policy Profession wants chief executives and their departments to understand and meet their policy stewardship responsibilities.

Briefing to the incoming Minister of Civil Defence (Apr 2017)

Briefing to incoming Minister
Issue date: 
Mon 24 Apr 2017

In Pursuit of Better Stewardship speech – 23 March 2017

Issue date: 
Thu 23 Mar 2017

Co-production in government: why, when and how?

Issue date: 
Tue 21 Mar 2017

Guidelines for Government Advertising

Issue date: 
Thu 23 Feb 2017

20 November 1989
Re-issued 23 February 2017

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