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Displaying 609 - 640 of 995

Public Notice: Decision on Redcliffs School and Redcliffs Park

News and notices
Issue date: 
Sat 12 May 2018

Date published: 12 May  2018, The Press

Redcliffs School and Redcliffs Park submission comments

Issue date: 
Wed 9 May 2018

CabNet: Document display

Issue date: 
Mon 7 May 2018

Advice on how to format documents so that they display correctly in CabNet

Behavioural Insights Community of Practice – inaugural event: April 2018

Issue date: 
Thu 19 Apr 2018

Ministry for the Environment staff have initiated the Behavioural Insights Community of Practice, to build a public service network of people who can share their experiences and identify opportunities for using behavioural insights.

Refresh of New Zealand's Cyber Security Strategy and Action Plan 2018

Information release
Issue date: 
Thu 12 Apr 2018

In April 2018, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) released two documents relating to the refresh of New Zealand’s Cyber Security Strategy and Action Plan.

Child Poverty Reduction Bill documents

Information release
Issue date: 
Tue 27 Mar 2018

In March 2018, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) released a suite of documents that formed the basis of decisions on the Child Poverty Reduction Bill.

Public notice: Redcliffs School and Redcliffs Park Section 71 Proposal

News and notices
Issue date: 
Tue 13 Mar 2018

Date published: 10 March  2018, The Press

Making sense of evaluation: a handbook for everyone

Issue date: 
Thu 8 Mar 2018

This user-friendly handbook is designed for those working in New Zealand's social sector, and beyond, who need to know more about how to measure and understand the effectiveness of their programmes. The handbook's introduction covers audience and p

Redcliffs School and Redcliffs Park relocation: Section 71 Proposal

Issue date: 
Thu 8 Mar 2018

For more about this proposal and how to give your feedback on it, see the page below:

Redcliffs School and Redcliffs Park relocation

What makes a good Cabinet paper

Issue date: 
Fri 2 Mar 2018

A good Cabinet paper includes a clear statement of purpose, is based on sound information and analysis, and is well consulted across agencies, Ministers, and government parties.

Start Right Guide

Issue date: 
Tue 27 Feb 2018

This document outlines how to apply the Start Right approach to initiating a policy project, so it's set up for quality and success.

Initial review of the MSF and MUA projects: Final report

Commissioned report
Issue date: 
Fri 9 Feb 2018

Greater Christchurch Regeneration Minister Dr Megan Woods has released a report into whether the Metro Sports Facility and the Stadium (Multi-Use Arena) projects, as they are currently proposed, reflect the best outcome for Christchurch and the Can

Ministerial Review - Better Responses to Natural Disaster and Other Emergencies

Commissioned report
Issue date: 
Thu 18 Jan 2018

Civil Defence Minister Kris Faafoi has released a report into how New Zealand responds to natural disasters and emergencies.

The appointments process

Issue date: 
Wed 17 Jan 2018

The appointments process and Cabinet appointment papers

New Year Honours List 2018

Honours list
Issue date: 
Sat 30 Dec 2017
The Order of New Zealand

The Queen has been pleased, on the celebration of the New Year, to make the following appointment to The Order of New Zealand:


To be a Member of the said Order:

Making Sense of Evidence: A Good Practice Guide – July 2017

Issue date: 
Thu 14 Dec 2017

A round table discussion on the use of evidence in public policy was co-hosted by Superu and the School of Government at Victoria University.

Briefing to the incoming Minister responsible for cyber security policy (Oct 2017)

Briefing to incoming Minister
Issue date: 
Thu 7 Dec 2017

The briefing to incoming Minister of Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media gives an overview of the priorities of the cyber security policy, and identifies some of the more significant issues and opportunities.

Briefing to the incoming Prime Minister (Oct 2017)

Briefing to incoming Minister
Issue date: 
Thu 7 Dec 2017

The briefing to the incoming Prime Minister gives an overview of the priorities of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and identifies some of the more significant issues and opportunities.

Briefing to the incoming Minister for Greater Christchurch Regeneration (Oct 2017)

Briefing to incoming Minister
Issue date: 
Thu 7 Dec 2017

A BIM (Briefing to the incoming Minister) gives a new Minister an overview of the priorities of their department or Ministry, and identifies some of the more significant issues and opportunities.

Briefing to the incoming Minister for National Security and Intelligence (Oct 2017)

Briefing to incoming Minister
Issue date: 
Thu 7 Dec 2017

This briefing was prepared for the Minister for National Security and Intelligence, the Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, in October 2017.

Briefing to the incoming Minister of Civil Defence (Oct 2017)

Briefing to incoming Minister
Issue date: 
Thu 7 Dec 2017

Behavioural Insights and the rise of the empirical government – Dec 2017

Issue date: 
Tue 5 Dec 2017

The Policy Project is working on building public service demand and capability for advice that in informed by evidence and insights.

Regulatory Impact Statement - Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Bill

Issue date: 
Mon 4 Dec 2017

Almost 7 years after the February 2011 earthquake, Christ Church Cathedral remains significantly damaged. 

Capability-building through training – October 2017

Issue date: 
Fri 1 Dec 2017

Agencies worked in groups to identify which skills in the Policy Skills Framework were both most important to improve, and most amenable to formal training.

Ministers' interests 2016-2017

Information release
Issue date: 
Fri 24 Nov 2017
Proactive release of information about management of ministerial conflicts of interest 1 October 2016 – 30 September 2017


Cabinet paper template - international treaty

Issue date: 
Wed 1 Nov 2017

International treaty paper template

CO (17) 9: Access to information of a previous administration

Cabinet Office circular
Issue date: 
Mon 30 Oct 2017

This circular sets out the principles that guide Ministers’ access to the records of the previous administration. It also provides guidance for officials handling requests for official information received before 26 October 2017, when the new administration was appointed.

Futures Tools workshop – October 2017

Issue date: 
Thu 26 Oct 2017

The purpose of the workshop was to understand futures thinking and tools, as well as impart tips for putting these into practice in a policy setting.

Annual Report 2017 - HTML version

Corporate document
Issue date: 
Fri 20 Oct 2017

Annual report of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet for the year ended 30 June 2017

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